Greyhound Racing

Statistics are compiled from racing steward reports and can be cross-checked at Greyhound Recorder.

The study found that the way greyhounds ‘bunch together’ when running means racing will never be safe no matter the track shape.

This shows the ineffectiveness of industry-led, including GAP, rehoming practices and that independent, unfunded rescues disproportionately rehome more dogs.

A list of all Australian businesses who have either withdrawn support from the racing industry and/ or spoken out against the industry

Artificial surgical insemination is a cruel practice that is banned in many countries, however, 80% of racing industry greyhounds in Australia are bred via the practice.

Vets call for surgical artificial insemination to be banned

Dog Training: Positive Reinforcement Resources

The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behaviour statement on humane, evidence-based dog training

Why avoiding ‘aversive’ or ‘balanced’ training is imperative for canine physiological and psychological wellbeing.

‘Dog Trainer’ is an unregulated term meaning anyone can call themselves one. Here’s what to look for to determine whether a trainer or behaviourist has science-backed qualifications.

Canine Nutrition

The original, peer-reviewed study that debunked avocado toxicity. There have been several other studies since then confirming the results.

The garlic toxicity-myth came from a poorly conducted study that only showed minor changes in blood bio-markers. The study was later re-done correctly which showed no significant changes.

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